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Timetable for Easing Coronavieus Restrictions


Scottish Government Covid update:

2nd April: Stay at home restriction removed but replaced with stay local within your local authority area.

5th April: Outdoor contact sports for 12-17 yr olds resume More students can return to on-campus learning, particularly in further education Phased re-opening of non-essential retail - click and collect, homeware, car showrooms, forecourts and garden centres Hairdressers and barbers may reopen

12th -19th April: All pupils back to school full time

26th April: All parts of Scotland currently in Level 4 expected to move to a modified Level 3. Island communities may move to Level 2, but will be discussed directly with them Travel restrictions between Scotland and rest of UK lifted if not by 26 April, soon after No international travel likely before 17 May All remaining retail to open Tourist accommodation may re-open Libraries, museums, galleries, indoor gyms and pools may reopen Work in people's homes may restart as will driving lessons Limits at weddings, funerals and receptions increased to 50 Outdoor socialising increased to 6 people from up to 3 households 12-17 yr olds may meet 6 people from up to 6 households Cafes, restaurants and bars reopen outdoors with groups of up to 6 from 3 households able to meet until 10pm. Alcohol permitted without purchasing food. Limited indoor opening of hospitality, service of food (no alcohol) with groups of up to 4 from 2 households Those on shielding list may return to work, school, college and uni.

Next changes won't take effect until 17 May: Hope to move to level 2. Hope for indoor hospitality with alcohol indoors and more normal opening hours Adult outdoor contact sports and indoor group exercise to resume Cinemas, arcades and bingo halls may reopen Outdoor and indoor events on small scale Colleges move to more blended learning Non professional performance arts may return Hope to be able to meet in inside in groups of 4 from 2 households

Early June hope to move to Level 1 with further easing of restrictions: Up to 6 people from 3 households can meet indoors Hospitality can reopen until 11pm Indoor non-contact sports can resume Increased numbers at life events and some places of worship

By end of June hope to move to at least Level 0: Phased return of some office staff

All of this depends on the continued suppression of the virus, so please let's all stay within rules


Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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