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Writer's pictureKirsten


Compare Holyrood and Westminster and it's clear which one is the disaster:

IT’S been another busy week for the Prime Minister in his recruitment drive for Yes.

Scottish devolution is a “disaster” and a “mistake”. They’re the words of the UK Prime Minister who claims, without a glimmer of sarcasm, that Scotland is treated as an equal partner in this broken Union.

But for all his bluff and bluster, Boris Johnson’s attack on our democracy earlier this week wasn’t a slip of the tongue – it was a slip of the Tory mask.

We know these aren’t just flippant remarks, when Scotland faces the biggest threat to devolution with the Tory power grab bill.

Boris Johnson’s arrogant and dismissive comments only emphasise the utter contempt the Tories have for Scotland. We all know the Tories have been against Scottish devolution since day one, but the chasm between Westminster and the Scottish people has never been bigger.

In just twenty years since our Scottish Parliament reconvened, Holyrood has delivered groundbreaking legislation such as free prescriptions, free tuition fees, free personal care, free bus travel, the Baby Box, world-leading climate change targets, and the Scottish Child Payment – to name but a few.

While over the same period, Westminster has imposed an extreme Brexit, an illegal war in Iraq, £9000 Tuition Fees, the Windrush scandal, the rape clause, the bedroom tax, and a decade of brutal austerity. Scotland cannot afford another twenty years of Westminster damage.

Despite the furious backpedalling from Johnson’s puppet in Scotland, Douglas Ross, his refusal to condemn these remarks in their entirety tells voters all they need to know: You can’t trust a Tory.

Voters know the only way to protect our nation’s parliament is with independence, and that’s why we’ve seen fourteen back-to-back polls showing a majority support for Yes.

Yet, in true Trump-like fashion, the Tories north of the Border have decided to ignore the facts, ignore the polls, detach themselves from reality and jump to the rescue of their boss at Westminster.

No self-respecting Scottish politician would go on air to try and defend this brazen attack on devolution - but the Tory after Tory has been more than happy to toe the party line and pledge their allegiance to Boris Johnson.

Once again, these shameless Tory politicians are putting their jobs ahead of their duty to democracy.

Despite the furious backpedaling from Johnson’s puppet in Scotland, Douglas Ross, his refusal to condemn these remarks in their entirety tells voters all they need to know: You can’t trust a Tory.

You can’t trust them with our NHS, with businesses, with welfare support, and certainly not with Scotland’s Parliament.

The SNP is the only party which will stand up for Scotland, our national parliament and the right of the people to decide their own future. It is clearer than ever that the only way to protect Scotland's interests is to become an independent country.

Published in The National.


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