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Scottish Strategic Framework on Easing Restrictions


COVID UPDATE - Scottish Government update on easing restrictions:

(These are indicative dates only based on current levels)

Initial phase currently underway: Return of P1-P3 and preschool, as well as some secondary where necessary Some university students return - no more than 5% of total - where face to face teaching required From early March, restrictions lifted on care home visits

Next phase, indicatively from 15 March: Further school return - including P4-P7 and more senior phase secondary students for at last part of learning Outdoors non-contact group sports for 12-17 yr olds Increase on outdoors mixing to 4 people from max of 2 households

Next phase, indicatively from 4 April: Stay at home restrictions lifted Final phase of school return Communal worship return, with restricted numbers likely Outdoor gatherings - at least 6 people from 2 households Re-opening of retail with extension of definition of essential retail and removal of restrictions on click and collect

From 26 April: Move back to levels, with hopefully all of Scotland in Level 3 with some possible modifications Re-opening of economy and society more generally Restrictions need to remain on international travel in order to continue to suppress the virus.


Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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