First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has set out the Scottish Government's Programme for Government. Key announcements include:
A £60 million Youth Guarantee to ensure every young person has an opportunity in education, a job or training
An initial £25 million National Training Transition Fund to provide retraining opportunities for people who have lost their jobs or are at risk of doing so
A £100 million Green Jobs fund to support new and increased opportunities for green job creation across Scotland
Launch in September a new proximity app, Protect Scotland, to enhance and support Test and Protect as we work to suppress Covid
Immediately establish an independent review of adult social care. This will examine how adult social care can most effectively be reformed to deliver a national approach to care and support services. This will include consideration of a national care service
Open the Scottish Child Payment for applications for children under 6 in November 2020, with the first payments made in February 2021
Delivering a revolution in children's rights, by fully and directly incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to the maximum extent possible within the Scottish Parliament's powers, into Scots law
Establish a £10 million Tenants Hardship Loan Fund, increase our Discretionary Housing Payments support for tenants by a further £3m; and ensure notice periods continue to be extended until March 2021
You can read the full programme for Government below