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  • Kirsten

Press Release: Convention on the Rights of the Child

The UK Government is undermining children’s rights in East Renfrewshire.

Kirsten Oswald, Member of Parliament for East Renfrewshire, said Westminster intransigence is undermining children’s rights in East Renfrewshire and only independence can give Scotland the power it needs.

After a legal challenge by the UK Government, the UK Supreme Court ruled that the Scottish Parliament could not fully incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law.

The UK Government argued that the Scottish Parliament does not have the power to stop Westminster legislating for Scotland, even where the legislation conflicts with an international agreement on human rights to which the UK is a signatory.

The legislation challenged in the Supreme Court had been passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament.

The judgement lays bare the limitations of the devolution settlement in Scotland.

On the same day as the court issued its judgement, the UK Government cut Universal Credit by £20 a week, taking over £1,000 a year away from vulnerable families just when they need it most, plunging 20,000 children in Scotland into poverty.

Kirsten said:

“The Scottish Parliament approved this legislation unanimously to put the needs of children in East Renfrewshire and across Scotland at the very heart of decision-making by government and local authorities.”

“However, the good intentions of the Scottish Parliament have been scuppered by a Westminster Tory government that is determined to roll back devolution.”

“The court judgment lays bare the limits on the devolved Scottish Parliament, which cannot introduce vital protections for our young people, leaving them at the mercy of a UK government that is playing fast and loose with their wellbeing.”

“Families in East Renfrewshire will face a decision of whether to heat their homes or feed their children as the cost-of-living skyrockets with energy bills and food bills going up.

“The only way we can protect the future of Scotland’s young people from an uncaring UK government is with the full powers of independence.”


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