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NI Questions: 20th January 2021


Today, I asked at Northern Ireland Questions about problems experienced in transporting goods to Northern Ireland, an issue all too familiar to those involved in areas such as the food and drink industry in Scotland.

Logistics, transport, and export businesses are seeing significant disruption, which imperils buisiness, and causes knock on impacts for communities and consumers.

The UK Government is simply not on top of these Brexit problems, and to hear the Secrtary of State try and attribute problems to things like business trying to get ready ebfore guidance was issues is outrageous, given the last minute race to the boottom deal his Government has landed us all with.

On the radio earlier, I heard James Withers, Chief Executive of Scottish Food and Drink referring to cripping red tape. This is the reality, and the UK Government needs to get a grip of this and prevent further damage to areas which can ill afford further chaos.


Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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