Shame on Labour for their refusal to commit to scrapping the this cruel, Tory, two-child cap which has been one of the leading causes of poverty in the UK – if Keir Starmer continues to impose it, the pro-Brexit Labour Party will be directly responsible for pushing thousands of Scottish children into poverty.
There must be an immediate U-turn. The SNP strongly opposes this shameful and punitive policy, which is undermining the Scottish Government’s efforts to reduce poverty in Scotland, and is plunging working families, disabled people and carers into destitution.
The SNP Government has taken more than 90,000 children out of poverty with progressive policies like the Scottish Child Payment and Best Start Grant – but for every step we take forward, damaging Westminster policies like the two-child cap are dragging us back again.
With the pro-Brexit Labour Party becoming indistinguishable from the Tories, it’s clear Westminster is incapable of delivering the change Scotland needs.