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  • Kirsten

Keep the £20 UC Uplift

Tory plans to remove the £20 Universal Credit uplift are absolutely devastating, and completely unforgivable. Scheduled for 6th October, this will be the biggest overnight cut to the basic rate of social security since the foundation of the modern welfare state.

In East Ren, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation calculates that 20% of families with children will be affected by this dreadful policy.

The impact on families in East Renfrewshire will be crushing. If the money was needed - and it certainly was - then why wouldn’t it be be needed just the same from 6th October? Pulling this money from folk will lead to such hardship and the Tories know that but are hell bent on doing it anyway just as furlough comes to an end and winter pressures begin to bite.

It’s a disgraceful way to treat those who most require support. My SNP colleagues and I will continue to fight against this at every opportunity.

Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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