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  • Kirsten

Jagtar Singh Johal

Not for the first time, I have urged the UK Government to take all possible action to secure the release of Jagtar Singh Johal from prison in India and get him back home to Scotland where he belongs. According to the United Nation's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Jagtar has been arbitrarily detained since his arrest in 2017, with no evidence provided linking him to any crimes, thus making it impossible for him to be brought to trial, leaving him in no-man's land. Delighted to see First Minister Humza Yousaf pursuing this case, which has been so diligently worked on by Jagtar's MP, my colleague Martin Docherty-Hughes MP, over many years.

Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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