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‘Fire and Rehire‘ Bill


I am very pleased to be a signatory to this cross party letter my colleague Gavin Newlands MP has written, urging the UK Government to get behind his ‘Fire and Rehire‘ Bill, which would stop employers from forcing employees to sign up to wage cuts or inferior conditions on threat of dismissal. A number of East Renfrewshire constituents have had significant challenges in this regard - I have had correspondence in particular about British Airways and British Gas. A simple change in employment legislation could make all the difference here.

The other side of the coin is that the UK Government needs to support businesses. The Chancellor said he would "do whatever it takes", but with furlough now ending next month and the new scheme falling way short of what was needed, he needs to recognise that business support is required and ensure that workers and businesses have what it takes to get through these tough times.

As the coronavirus continues to hugely impact our public health and our society, it is more important than ever than workers have security.


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