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East Renfrewshire Holocaust Memorial Event


A real privilege to attend the East Renfrewshire Holocaust Memorial event in Calderwood Lodge Primary School this evening.

Alongside incredibly powerful speeches by very articulate and thoughtful young people from local schools - Sol Duncan and Lily MacPherson of Barrhead High School, and Samantha Mackeown of Mearns Castle High School, there was wonderful music from the East Renfrewshire Schools Senior Strings Orchestra..

We also heard the story of East Ren couple Henry and the late Ingrid Wuga beautifully expressed by their daughter, Gillian. The Wugas escaped on the Kindertransport and dedicated many years to tirelessly telling the story of the Holocaust to young people to make sure they understood what happened so it couldn’t happen again.

It was a very moving and thought provoking evening. I will try and reflect some of what I heard when I speak in the House of Commons Holocaust Memorial debate later this week.


Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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