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  • Kirsten

East Renfrewshire Citizen of the Year

I was glad to see that Stan Esson had been named East Renfrewshire Citizen of the Year. I know very well how much work Stan has done over the years, ploughing away behind the scenes to support others via his work in the East Renfrewshire Foodbank. He has made our community better because of his efforts.

I laid down an Early Day Motion at Westminster commending Stan, and it was good to see him last week when I popped in to hand it over.

Stan and his colleagues - all volunteers - do an important job which should not be needed, but it is, and they go about it with a clear care for their clients who find themselves in need of foodbank support.

You can find out more about the foodbank and how you can best support it here:

When I was in the things which were felt to be most required were UHT milk and loo rolls.

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