Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 infections, temporary restrictions are to be introduced from Friday at 6pm. Without these restrictions, there is a risk that by the end of the month daily infections could reach the levels seen in March. This would mean that the virus is out of control and would potentially require another nationwide lockdown.
Because we are part of the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board area, the following restrictions apply as following in East Renfrewshire:
Licensed premises, with the exception of hotels for residents, will close at 6pm on Friday 9th October. The intention is that they will be able to reopen on Monday 26th October. Takeaways will be permitted.
Cafes, which don't have an alcohol license, will be able to stay open till 6pm.
Indoor bowling alleys, snooker and pool halls, casinos and bingo halls will close from Saturday 10th October for 2 weeks.
Outdoor contact sports for ages 18 and over will be suspended for the next 2 weeks. This does not apply to professional sports.
Gyms can remain open for individual exercise. However, group exercise actives will not be allowed although current rules will remain in place for under 18s.
Outdoor live events will not be permitted for the next 2 weeks.
Further details of the update from First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon is available below:
Nicola Sturgeon: "Hard though it is to believe it right now, all the hard sacrifices we are making will hasten the brighter days that do lie ahead."
Read the First Minister's full statement here: https://www.snp.org/nicola-sturgeons-full-statement-on.../