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  • Kirsten

Covid Update 8th July 2021

The total number of positive cases yesterday was 2,802, which is 10.0% of all tests carried out, and the total number of confirmed cases is now 306,449.

While there will always be daily fluctuations, we can see the suggestion that the recent surge in cases may now be levelling off.

VACCINE ROLL OUT As of this morning, 3,900,864 people have received the first dose of vaccine. That's an increase of 10,688 since yesterday. In addition, 16,984 people got their second dose yesterday, and the total number of second doses is now 2,825,886

UPDATE ON THE NEXT STEPS Ahead of next Tuesdays statement to Parliament, the First Minster set out the following update for Scotland:

The pressure is always there for Scotland to follow suit, that the path the UK government is embarking on for England - not just lifting all restrictions from 19 July, but also removing the requirement for basic mitigations like face masks, and doing so against the backdrop of increasing case numbers - is something of an exception.

Over the next few weeks as we complete the vaccination programme, it is really important that we don’t let the virus outrun us.

As you know, when the Scottish Government published their revised strategic framework, the 19 July was the indicative date for Scotland’s move to level 0.

Next Tuesday, ahead of that date, The First Minister will set out to Parliament, the final decision made, on whether and to what extent that move can go ahead.

It is important to remind everyone that a move to level 0 will not mean the immediate end of all restrictions.

Many of the baseline measures we use – such as face coverings, physical distancing, and rigorous hand hygiene – will continue to be vitally important, in protecting ourselves and others from the virus.

So no matter what the decision is next week, there will be no abrupt end to these protective measures, when we move to level 0.


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