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  • Kirsten

Cavalier UK Government Attitude To Trade Risks The Food On Our Table

The must Tories to rethink damaging proposals as part of the UK Trade Bill that threaten the standards of the food on our tables.

Last week, new Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross was shown up disgracefully for opposing measures which would have protected food safety standards in future trade deals. While he voted against these measures, SNP MPs voted to protect food standards in line with EU regulations.

We already know the UK Government refused to legislate in the Trade Bill to stop food safety standards being weakened, yet now we have no real idea how the Tory Trade secretary will work with with the farming sector to stop that happening in future Trade Deals.

Recent polling by Which? showed 95% of the public want to maintain current food standards, but this Government continues to rule out real legislative protections - instead, implementing a Trade Bill which bears no resemblance to the views of our farmers, doctors and the general public.

It is clear from the Scottish Tory’s failure to recognise the importance of food safety to the public and the UK Government’s cavalier approach to this matter, that they simply cannot be trusted to ensure the safety of the food we eat.


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