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  • Writer's pictureKirsten

BREXIT UPDATE: 16th October 2020

Like all MPs, I have just had a letter from the Prime Minister telling me that we should now prepare for a No Deal Brexit. Whether that is the eventual result or whether we end up with the alternative which is a really terrible Brexit deal, it is clear either of these wlll be seriously damaging to our communities and significantly worse than the deal which EU membership brought.

This is the self same Prime Minister who fought an election less than a year ago on the basis of having an 'Oven Ready' Brexit deal. We were told it would be the easiest deal in the history of the world.

East Renfrewshire voted 74% to remain in the EU. Scotland as a whole - in every local authority area - voted to remain in the EU. Yes we now face being dragged over this Brexit cliff edge against our will and in the full knowledge of the harm this will bring along with it. And all in the midst of a global pandemic.

This is a shameful course of action. This race to the bottom Brexit will make us all poorer, economically, socially and culturally. Our communities and businesses in Scotland deserve a far better future than one driven by this beligerent insular bluster.

Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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