This has been another day of continued outrage - rightly so - about the outrageous wrecking ball plans of the UK Government with their Internal Market Bill. The condemnation has come from across the political divide, though the Scottish Conservatives are notably silent. There has been huge concern expressed across Scotland, the UK, Europe, and further afield. "A grim day", as the Labour First Minister of Wales described it.
The law breaking plans mean the UK Government is driving a coach and horses through devolution, and giving itself the power to impose its will over the top of the elected representatives in Scotland. The plans are the means to a damaging race to the bottom, removing the ability of the Scottish Govenment to make the decisions which are most appropriate for the people in Scotland. For instance, among many other things, this will create signifciant issues for food standards - we would not be able to prevent chlorinated chicken entering our market.
There is now only one way to stop this crash and burn UK Govenment. Independence is the only means by which we can protect our ability to make decisions which are focussed on maintaining high standards and meeting the needs of people in Scotland.
I spoke to BBC Radio Foyle this morning, and discussed some of this.