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  • Kirsten

Bank Of Scotland Clarkston Branch Closure

This morning, I raised the announcement by Bank of Scotland that they intend close their branch in Clarkston, meaning another situation where a community faces the closure of the last bank branch in town.

Leaving no banks within communities has a particularly detrimental impact on older people, those who are less mobile, and local businesses. I would like the UK Government to support a discussion on how we might reverse this damaging trend. (You can see in the video that I'm a bit confused by the Minister's comments about rural communities in his response).

In the meantime, I have sought an urgent meeting with the Bank of Scotland, so I can press the case for this bank to remain open, and I hope to have this discussion with them tomorrow.

Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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