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  • Kirsten

A visit to Giffnock and Newlands Synagogue

I was pleased to be joined by SNP Westminster Leader, Ian Blackford MP, for some meetings in East Renfrewshire today.

First stop was a fascinating tour of Giffnock and Newlands Synagogue, followed by a very constructive meeting with representatives of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council - GJRC and the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities - SCoJeC.

I am very appreciative of their time, and the very thoughtful discussions we had on issues including the importance of the Jewish community in Scotland, the great Calderwood Lodge and St Clare’s primary joint campus, the value of interfaith dialogue and connections, and always standing against antisemitism.

East Renfrewshire is a special place with a diverse and vibrant community and we are all the better for that diversity. It was good to talk about some of that today.


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